Keptn API

In this section, the functionality and commands of the Keptn REST API are described.


  • To access the Keptn API, a running Keptn installation is needed. If you have not set up Keptn yet, please start here.

  • To get the API token for authenticating API calls, please see here.

Access the Keptn API

The Keptn API is documented in terms of a Swagger API documentation.

  • Use the Keptn CLI to retrieve the endpoint of your Keptn API via the command keptn status:
keptn status
Starting to authenticate
Successfully authenticated
CLI is authenticated against the Keptn cluster https://api.keptn.YOUR.DOMAIN
Keptn Swagger API documentation

Explore the Keptn API

  • Select one of the two API collections:

    • api-service contains endpoints to create/delete a project, to create service, and to send/get events.

    • configuration-service provides GET endpoints for project/stage/service and endpoints for resource management.

Select API
  • Clicking on an endpoint reveals more details how to use it, including definitions and examples of the payload.
Keptn Swagger API documentation - Example

Architecture Details of Keptn API

  • Keptn 0.6.2 introduced an NGINX as new K8s deployment and service. This NGINX allows to route the traffic and ensures that all requests are authenticated using the /auth endpoint of the api-service.
  • The api-service now does not implement endpoints of the configuration-service anymore.
  • The configuration-service is exposed to the public. Endpoints that are not intended to be used from the public (e.g., deleting a project) are marked and the description is accordingly adapted.

Architecture for the full installation:

Architecture for full installation

Architecture for the quality gates installation:

Architecture for quality gate

Technical Details of Cluster Gateway

The following descriptions are only valid for a full Keptn installation (i.e., a Keptn installation which was not installed for the quality-gates use case).

Keptn uses Istio for connecting and controlling the traffic. In order to receive incoming and outgoing connections, a Gateway named public-gateway is available in the istio-system namespace.

Details of the Gateway

kind: Gateway
name: public-gateway
namespace: istio-system
    istio: ingressgateway
- port:
    name: http
    number: 80
    protocol: HTTP
    - '*'    
- hosts:
    - '*'
    name: https
    number: 443
    protocol: HTTPS
    mode: SIMPLE
    privateKey: /etc/istio/ingressgateway-certs/tls.key
    serverCertificate: /etc/istio/ingressgateway-certs/tls.crt

This Gateway accepts HTTP and HTTPS traffic. For the HTTPS traffic, Keptn generates a self-signed certificate during the installation.

If you already have a valid certificate for your domain and want to use this, please first configure your domain and, afterwards, manually update the used certificate in the Gateway. For adding a custom certificate, the Knative Documentation provides useful instructions.