Adds a local resource to a service within your project in the specified stage
Adds a local resource to a service within your project in the specified stage. The resource is then stored within the Git Repo.
This command allows adding, for example, test files to a service, which will then be used by a test service (e.g., jmeter-service) during the continuous delivery.
To specify a unique resource identifier (URI) for this resource, the optional flag –resourceUri can be set to a file path. By default, the URI is set to the file path specified at the –resource flag. From a technical perspective, the file provided via the –resource flag is stored with the path and name specified within –resourceUri flag.
The target location of the resource:
keptn add-resource --project=PROJECT --stage=STAGE --service=SERVICE --resource=FILEPATH --resourceUri=FILEPATH [flags]
keptn add-resource --project=musicshop --stage=hardening --service=catalogue --resource=slo.yaml
keptn add-resource --project=musicshop --stage=hardening --service=catalogue --resource=slo-quality-gates.yaml --resourceUri=slo.yaml
keptn add-resource --project=sockshop --stage=dev --service=carts --resource=./jmeter.jmx --resourceUri=jmeter/functional.jmx
keptn add-resource --project=rockshop --stage=production --service=shop --resource=./basiccheck.jmx --resourceUri=jmeter/basiccheck.jmx
-h, --help help for add-resource
-p, --project string The name of the project
-r, --resource string Path pointing to the resource on your local file system
--resourceUri string Optional: Location where the resource should be stored within the config repo. If empty, The name of the resource will be the same as on your local file system
--service string The name of the service within the project
-s, --stage string The name of the stage
--mock mocking of server communication - ATTENTION: your commands will not be sent to the keptn server
-q, --quiet suppress debug and info output
--suppress-websocket disables websocket communication - use the ID of Keptn context (if provided) for checking the result of your command
-v, --verbose verbose logging