Keptn Bridge

The Keptn Bridge is the user interface of Keptn and presents all projects and services managed by Keptn. It is automatically installed with your Keptn deployment.

Expose/Lockdown Bridge

The Keptn Bridge is not publicly accessible by default.

  • To expose the Keptn Bridge, execute the following command. It is then available on: https://bridge.keptn.YOUR.DOMAIN/
keptn configure bridge --action=expose

Note: This command shows the warning Warning: Make sure to enable basic authentication as described here: .... Please follow the warning and enable basic authentication explained below.

  • To lockdown the Keptn Bridge:
keptn configure bridge --action=lockdown

Configure Basic Authentication

The Keptn Bridge has a basic authentication feature, which can be controlled by setting the following two environment variables:

  • BASIC_AUTH_USERNAME - username
  • BASIC_AUTH_PASSWORD - password

Enable Authentication

To enable this feature, a secret has to be created that holds the two variables. This secret has to be applied within the Kubernetes deployment for the Keptn Bridge.

  • Create the secret using:

    kubectl -n keptn create secret generic bridge-credentials --from-literal="BASIC_AUTH_USERNAME=<USERNAME>" --from-literal="BASIC_AUTH_PASSWORD=<PASSWORD>"

    Note: Replace <USERNAME> and <PASSWORD> with the desired credentials.

    If you are using Keptn 0.6.1 or older, please click here.

    • Edit the deployment of the bridge using:
    kubectl -n keptn edit deployment bridge
    • Add the secret to the bridge container, as shown below:
      - name: bridge
        image: keptn/bridge2:0.6.1
        imagePullPolicy: Always
          - secretRef:
              name: bridge-credentials
              optional: true
        # EDIT ENDS HERE
        - containerPort: 3000

  • Restart the pod of the Keptn Bridge by executing:

    kubectl -n keptn delete pods --selector=run=bridge

Disable Authentication

  • To disable the basic authentication, delete the secret by executing:

    kubectl -n keptn delete secret bridge-credentials
  • Restart the respective pod of the Keptn Bridge by executing:

    kubectl -n keptn delete pods --selector=run=bridge

Views in Keptn Bridge

Project view

The Keptn Bridge provides an easy way to browse all events that are sent within Keptn. When you access the Keptn Bridge, all projects will be shown on the start screen. When clicking on a project, the stages of this project and all onboarded services are shown on the next view.

Keptn Bridge project view

When selecting one service, all events that belong to this service are listed on the right side. Please note that this list only represents the start of a deployment (or problem) of a new artifact. More information on the executed steps can be revealed when you click on one event.

Event Stream

When selecting an event, the Keptn Bridge displays all other events that are in the same Keptn context and belong to the selected entry point. As can be seen in the screenshot below, the entry point around 4:03 pm has been selected and all events belonging to this entry point are displayed on the right side.

Keptn Bridge event stream

For integration of the Keptn Bridge into DevOps tools, a list of following deep links is provided:

  • project/:projectName
    • Opens project view of the project specified by projectName.
  • project/:projectName/:serviceName
    • Opens project view of the project specified by projectName and expands the service specified by serviceName.
  • project/:projectName/:serviceName/:contextId
    • Opens project view of projectName, expands the service specified by serviceName, and selects root event of keptn context specified by contextId.
  • project/:projectName/:serviceName/:contextId/:eventId:
    • Opens project view of projectName, expands the service specified by serviceName, and selects root event of keptn context specified by contextId.
    • Finally, Keptn Bridge scrolls to event with the eventId.
  • trace/:shkeptncontext
    • Loads that root event and redirects to project/:projectName/:serviceName/:contextId
  • trace/:shkeptncontext/:stage
    • Loads that root event and redirects to project/:projectName/:serviceName/:contextId/:eventId where eventId is the id of the first event of the specific stage.
  • trace/:shkeptncontext/:eventtype
    • Loads that root event and redirects to project/:projectName/:serviceName/:contextId/:eventId where eventId is the id of the last event with the specific event type.

Early Access Version of Keptn Bridge

There is an early access version of Keptn Bridge available (compatible with Keptn 0.6.2):

Keptn Bridge EAP
  • To install it, you have to update the Docker images of Keptn Bridge deployment by executing the following commands:
kubectl -n keptn set image deployment/bridge bridge=keptn/bridge2:0.7.0-eap20200617 --record
  • To restore the old version of bridge, configuration-service and mongodb-datastore (as delivered with Keptn 0.6.2), you can use the following commands:
kubectl -n keptn set image deployment/bridge bridge=keptn/bridge2:0.6.2 --record

If you have any questions or feedback regarding Keptn Bridge, please contact us through our Keptn Community Channels!