You are viewing documentation of Keptn that is currently under development and subject to change.

Git-based upstream

Keptn will manage a project in an internal Git repository. To upstream this repository to a remote place that also works as backup, it is recommended to create, for example, a GitHub repository. This GitHub repository is then specified as upstream repo when creating a project explained below.

Select one of the four options and make sure to have the Git user, token, and remote url before continuing.


Create user, token, and repository

  1. If you do not have a GitHub user, create a user by signing up.

  2. Create a personal access token for your user with repo scope:

    GitHub access token
  3. (optional) If you want to use a dedicated GitHub organization for your repository, create a GitHub organization.

  4. Go to your account or your GitHub organization and create a GitHub repository.

    Note: Click the Initialize this repository with a README checkbox to initialize the repository, which is a prerequisite.

    GitHub create repository


Create user, token, and project

  1. If you do not have a GitLab user, create a user by signing up for a free trial.

  2. Create a personal access token for your user with write_repo scope:

    GitHub access token
  3. Go to your account and create a GitLab project.

    Note: Click the Initialize this repository with a README checkbox to initialize the repository, which is a prerequisite.

    GitLab create project


Create user, token, and repository

  1. If you do not have a Bitbucket user, create a user by signing up for a free trial.

  2. Create an app password for your user with Write permissions. Therefore, select your User > View profile > Settings > App passwords > Create app password

    Bitbucket access token
  3. Go to your account and create a Bitbucket repository.

    Note: Select Include a README? - Yes, with a template to initialize the repository, which is a prerequisite.

    Bitbucket create repository

Azure DevOps Repo

Create user, token, and repository

  1. If you do not have an Azure DevOps user, create a user by signing up for a free trial.

  2. Create a personal access token for your user with Read & write access for the Code:

    Note: Please carefully select the Expiration date.

    Azure DevOps access token
  3. Go to your account and create an Azure project

    Azure DevOps repository
  4. Retrieve the URL for your repository.

    Important: Remove the User from the URL before passing it to Keptn. For example, in the picture below the URL would be

    Azure DevOps clone repository