You are viewing documentation of Keptn that is currently under development and subject to change.

Keptn API

In this section, the functionality and commands of the Keptn REST API are described.


  • To access the Keptn API, a running Keptn installation is needed. If you have not set up Keptn yet, please start here.

  • To get the API token for authenticating API calls, please see here.

Access the Keptn API

The Keptn API is documented in terms of a Swagger API documentation.

  • Use the Keptn CLI to retrieve the endpoint of your Keptn API via the command keptn status:
keptn status
Starting to authenticate
Successfully authenticated
CLI is authenticated against the Keptn cluster https://api.keptn.YOUR.DOMAIN
Keptn Swagger API documentation

Explore the Keptn API

  • Select one of the two API collections:

    • api-service contains endpoints to create/delete a project, to create service, and to send/get events.

    • configuration-service provides GET endpoints for project/stage/service and endpoints for resource management.

Select API
  • Clicking on an endpoint reveals more details how to use it, including definitions and examples of the payload.
Keptn Swagger API documentation - Example

Architecture Details of Keptn API

  • Keptn 0.6.2 introduced an NGINX as new K8s deployment and service. This NGINX allows to route the traffic and ensures that all requests are authenticated using the /auth endpoint of the api-service.
  • The api-service now does not implement endpoints of the configuration-service anymore.
  • The configuration-service is exposed to the public. Endpoints that are not intended to be used from the public (e.g., deleting a project) are marked and the description is accordingly adapted.

Architecture for the full installation:

Architecture for full installation

Architecture for the quality gates installation:

Architecture for quality gate

Technical Details of Cluster Gateway

The following descriptions are only valid for a full Keptn installation (i.e., a Keptn installation which was not installed for the quality-gates use case).

Keptn uses Istio for connecting and controlling the traffic. In order to receive incoming and outgoing connections, a Gateway named public-gateway is available in the istio-system namespace.

Details of the Gateway

kind: Gateway
name: public-gateway
namespace: istio-system
    istio: ingressgateway
- port:
    name: http
    number: 80
    protocol: HTTP
    - '*'    
- hosts:
    - '*'
    name: https
    number: 443
    protocol: HTTPS
    mode: SIMPLE
    privateKey: /etc/istio/ingressgateway-certs/tls.key
    serverCertificate: /etc/istio/ingressgateway-certs/tls.crt

This Gateway accepts HTTP and HTTPS traffic. For the HTTPS traffic, Keptn generates a self-signed certificate during the installation.

If you already have a valid certificate for your domain and want to use this, please first configure your domain and, afterwards, manually update the used certificate in the Gateway. For adding a custom certificate, the Knative Documentation provides useful instructions.