You are viewing documentation of Keptn that is currently under development and subject to change.

Basic Authentication

The Keptn Bridge has a basic authentication feature, which can be controlled by setting the following two environment variables in the deployment of the bridge::

  • BASIC_AUTH_USERNAME - username
  • BASIC_AUTH_PASSWORD - password

Enable Authentication

  • Basic authentication is enabled by default when executing the below command. This command creates a secret with the two variables: BASIC_AUTH_USERNAME and BASIC_AUTH_PASSWORD.

    keptn configure bridge --action=expose --user=<USER> --password=<PASSWORD>

    Note: Replace <USER> and <PASSWORD> with the desired credentials.

  • Restart the pod of the Keptn Bridge by executing:

    kubectl -n keptn delete pods --selector=run=bridge

Disable Authentication

  • To disable the basic authentication, delete the secret by executing:

    kubectl -n keptn delete secret bridge-credentials
  • Restart the pod of the Keptn Bridge by executing:

    kubectl -n keptn delete pods --selector=run=bridge