Keptn uses a declarative approach to build scalable automation for delivery and operations which can be scaled to a large number of services.
Keptn uses a simple, declarative approach that allows specifying DevOps automation flows like delivery or operations automation without scripting all the details. This definition can be shared across any number of micro services without the need to build individual pipelines and scripts.
Keptn separates the process defined by SREs from the actual tooling defined by DevOps engineers and the information about the artifacts.
These definitions can be managed independently compared to traditional pipelines where everything is stored in a single file. This ensures that people cannot mistakenly break workflows and as they are managed in Git you will also have a full history of changes.
Keptn acts as a central control plane and uses well-defined CloudEvents for pretty much everything that can happen during continuous delivery and operations automation. Small services register for these events which makes the integration of tools simple and fast.
Keptn integrations translate well-defined CloudEvents into proprietary vendor APIs and hide complex automation for advanced tasks.
This makes exchanging tools a simple configuration change rather than touching each individual pipeline.
Keptn was created by Dynatrace, the inventor of distributed transaction tracing. So it should be no surprise that we’ve embedded tracing capabilities into Keptn.
Everything that is executed in Keptn is visualized as a trace and can be accessed via the Keptn’s bridge or the API.
Whether you are an end user with a strong opinion or you want to participate in the project, we’d love to hear from you! You can find more information about how to reach us in the Keptn community repo
Be part of the movement and participate in our public community meetings every other Thursday!